Deliver the moment

Helping people to communicate with impact and clarity, for all the important moments in life.

What’s your moment?

We all face moments in life when we need to communicate well - in business and in our personal lives.

It could be a major sales pitch, a big presentation, a job interview, an important client meeting… or getting someone to accept your idea or proposal.

Whatever the defining moment is that you’re facing, we can help you to deliver successfully - with confidence, impact and clarity.

Thank you for yesterday’s training, it was brilliant, I felt that it hit home some great points and has got us thinking of how can we improve overall coms throughout our organisation.
— Local hospitality group

“Busting 3 Myths about Presenting”

Tips and tricks - download now!


If not the lion, Duncan Ashford is the heart behind Lionheart.

Established in 2015, Lionheart is a communication skills training consultancy, based in Queenstown, New Zealand.

We offer training and coaching solutions to help people from all backgrounds and levels of experience with their verbal and written communication skills.  

You open up a new perspective in delivering presentations which is very compelling!

Our clients

Duncan delivers group workshops to a wide range of local and international corporates. He also provides 1-on-1 coaching to people that want to fine-tune their communication skills, or who have an upcoming ‘moment’ they want to conquer.  

Being able to speak, present, pitch and write in a clear, concise and impactful way is often the winning difference.

We work with our clients wherever they are located, and training can be delivered in-person or online.

Your content is pure gold
— Invercargill City Council


Duncan can be reached on +64 (0)21 028 76313


What you have a achieved in such a short time has been an enlightening experience for the participants

Lionheart only + DTM_original.png

What moments do you wish to improve?