
 We offer a range of engaging and inspiring programmes.  

Each will be customised to your needs and they can be delivered to large and small groups, or as individual coaching.

Presentation Skills

There will be moments in most people’s lives when they need to present information to an audience.  For some, it’s an everyday necessity.   The thought of giving a presentation or speaking publicly - or even talking in a large group meeting - can be quite alarming to a novice.  Even experienced professionals can still feel nervous and not really know how to perform to their best ability.  

Fortunately, anyone can improve their presentation skills and our flagship program is an engaging, captivating and utterly refreshing experience!


Pitching for Business

In a commoditised environment, differentiating yourself, your team and your services is becoming even more challenging.   Yet even though the stakes are invariably higher, very often insufficient time and thought goes into preparation.  The result is an unrehearsed, generic presentation, full of jargon,  that displays little customer understanding.  

It could - and should be - different!   And we'd love to help you ...  


Customer Service Skills

We all know that good customer service drives sales, cross-sell, loyalty and great reviews. Why then do so many businesses fall short? This engaging and interactive workshop looks at the simple skills required to deliver an exceptional and memorable customer experience.

At its most basic, it’s about how to have a good conversation… but for some that’s harder than it seems.


Business Writing

In a world of information overload, effective business writing is about getting to the point, quickly.   No-one has the time to decipher formal language and overly complex sentences, or the patience to wade through endless waffle.  The responsibility is on the writer to tailor their message to the intended reader – to deliver their ideas with clarity, brevity and impact.  

Fortunately, we have some fantastic tools and techniques that can help.  


Interview Skills

Everyone knows that first impressions really count.  But the reality is that once you’re in the hot seat, it’s what you say - and how you say it – that will get you over the line.  Communication skills are a key differentiator in the selection process.  After all, would any employer deliberately choose a poor communicator if they had several candidates of equal technical ability to choose from?

Attending an interview?  Find out more ...


Selling Skills

In developing new business, there is only one way for professional firms to differentiate themselves.  By adding greater value to their clients - to sell value, not their services.  Clients want their professional advisors to help them navigate to their desired destination.  To know the route, foresee the hurdles and guide them along the way.  This requires deep discovery skills, to clarify the destination and their client's needs and motivators; strong communication skills, to pitch the recommended solution; and calmness, control and credibility.  This is the focus of The Navigator programme, helping professional firms sell value to grow business.


Influencing Skills

The ability to influence internal and external stakeholders is a survival skill every employee in every organisation needs these days.  Especially as organisations adopt flatter structures making an influencing strategy based on authority less viable.  Good influencing is about creating positive change and building strong and long-lasting stakeholder relationships.  This programme delivers a range of highly effective tools and frameworks to help prepare and execute strong influencing strategies, and the skills to create and articulate a highly persuasive proposition.   (An Influence Consulting Ltd programme)